Let’s Talk About Fascia and the GYROTONIC® Method


One of the beautiful things about Pilates is its ability to support optimal biomechanical movement patterns and address deviations and imbalances throughout the body. Over the years, it’s no wonder that Pilates has become a go-to cross-training platform and rehabilitation tool for many, no matter their age, size or physical abilities. However, dexterity and fluidity of movement are required if we are to reach our body’s full potential. This can only be achieved by addressing our fascia - the largest, most continuous system in the body.

Fascia is a three-dimensional, thin casing of connective tissue that is made of multiple layers of gel-like fluid. It surrounds and holds in place each of our organs, bones, muscles, blood vessels, and nerve fibers. Our fascia is designed to stretch as we move; as a result, healthy fascia is smooth and flexible. In contrast, fascia that is thick and sticky causes stiffness and compromised range of motion. Painful knots or adhesions can develop due to decreased physical activity, repetitive motions in isolated muscle groups, and an injury or surgery.

The key to addressing fascia adhesions is movement and there is no better way to support efficient and ideal mobility than the GYROTONIC® Method.   

The GYROTONIC® Method is a system of exercises, each flowing seamlessly to the next, which enables the joints to move through their natural range of motion without harsh movements or compression. Each exercise sequence is designed to open up the fascia in a supportive and safe manner, while emphasizing dynamic joint articulations that loosen and strengthen the musculature and ligaments. The end result creates balance, efficiency, strength and flexibility throughout the entire body.

Whether you are looking to move and feel better as you go through your daily activities or take your athleticism to the next level, beginning your journey into the GYROTONIC® method will improve the health of your fascia and maximize your body’s movement potential. For more information about the GYROTONIC® classes and private training options offered at Epiphany Pilates, contact us today at (703) 204-2200 or info@epiphanypilates.com.


GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.

Eurona Tilley