10 Reasons to Give Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates a Try

The research is clear - a consistent routine of moderate, low-impact exercises, such as Pilates, has positive effects on maternal health outcomes, both physically and mentally. In fact, a recent study published in 2021 found that pregnant women who practiced Pilates for 8 weeks experienced a significantly improved labor process, including reduced labor pain and a shortened length of active labor. Study participants also experienced improved overall satisfaction of the delivery process without any medical complications for both mom and baby.


Pilates performed during pregnancy and the postpartum period is safe and effective, while providing so many benefits for new and expectant moms. Here are our top 10 reasons to give the Prenatal & Postnatal Program at Epiphany Pilates a try:


1.     Strengthen and stretch your whole body before and after delivery

2.     Improve your posture, balance, and coordination

3.     Increase your endurance and energy levels

4.     Reduce aches and pains, especially in the low back, pelvis, and hips

5.     Prepare your pelvic floor during pregnancy and reactivate it after delivery

6.     Improve your core strength and muscle tone

7.      Enhance your mental well-being while building confidence and minimizing stress levels

8.     Practice efficient breathing techniques that are perfect for delivery as well as finding inner calm and maximizing the power of your movements

9.     Prevent diastasis recti using exercises that have been safely modified and help to activate your deepest layer of abdominals

10.   Enjoy the support and encouragement of our well-trained team and community of new and expectant moms


Ready to get started? Contact us today at (703) 204-2200 or info@epiphanypilates.com.