Reformer Classes Are Back at Epiphany Pilates

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We are pleased to announce that starting this Monday, August 17th, we will begin to phase back in our Pilates Reformer I and Pilates Reformer I/II classes at the studio, offering a range of morning, midday, afternoon, and evening options.

We remain dedicated to keeping you safe and healthy at Epiphany Pilates even as we expand our in-studio offerings with the addition of classes. Click HERE to watch an overview video of our COVID-19 Prevention Protocol and what to expect when you arrive at the studio.

Book your first class now! What you’ll need to bring:

  • A mask or suitable face covering - Masks should remain on and may only be removed briefly in the event that you have difficulty breathing while performing an exercise at the studio. To optimize comfort while exercising at the studio with a mask, we recommend the use of a KN95 mask, paper surgical mask, or fitness mask.

  • A pair of personal Pilates loops - All clients are now required to have their own personal loops to be used during equipment classes and private/semi-private training sessions. For a step-by-step guide on how to put your loops on the reformer, click HERE. Personal loops compatible with our equipment may be purchased at the front desk. Clients wishing to purchase their own loops from another source must first ensure that the loops are compatible with our equipment. Incompatible loops may not be attached to our equipment. In the event that a client forgets their loops, these may be rented for a fee of $15 per class or session. These loops will be thoroughly sanitized after each use.

  • A signed copy of our updated policies and waiver - Returning clients, please download a copy of our Updated Policies and Waiver (PDF) (click HERE). If you are new to the studio, please download our New Client Registration Form (PDF) (click HERE).

  • A pair of grippy socks (optional) - Some people feel more comfortable wearing grippy/non-slip socks during class and others prefer bare feet, since this gives you a better grip for some of the exercises. Classes can be taken either in bare feet or with grippy/non-slip socks.

  • A water bottle and small towel (optional) - Filtered water is still available at our bottle filling station; however, clients should bring their own towels as we are unable to provide these at the front desk until the pandemic ends.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at (703) 204-2200 or


See you in the studio soon!

Eurona Tilley